1st Birthday Pictures
The birthday boy's place setting, complete with a new stuffed snake, balloons, and streamers.
Papaw Brewster helping Conner eat his birthday cake. Look at Conner's excited face. Ooooh, how I love him!!
Big bite!

Big Bite - Take Two!

The Brewster Family, minus Siler.
Papaw Brewster
The Happy One in the middle of opening his presents.
Momma and baby opening gifts.
Look at all these gifts!
A four-wheeler!
The Brewster Family, minus Siler.

Grandpa and Grandma Botkin

Do you notice anything peculiar in this shot?!? Papaw Brewster picked Conner up from his highchair after Conner ate his birthday cake. Papaw was teasing Grandma Botkin about putting Conner's dirty hands on her, when Conner vomited, unexpectedly, everywhere!!! I just happened to take a picture at the exact moment when the cake and milk came up and out! Eww! Priceless!! Poor baby!

Looks like Conner had a blast! I can't believe he's already over a year old!