Conner is six weeks old. Time flies!!! This is the most rewarding, yet the most exhausting job, I've ever had. I love holding and kissing our little baby, and he is such a sweetheart. He rarely cries and my mom says my next baby will be a hellcat since Conner had been so good for us. Sometimes Conner cries in the evening, but Daddy and I are quickly learning what he likes to be soothed to sleep. He still wakes every 2-3 hours to be fed, but three times in the past week he slept for at least four hours straight. It was so blissful to wake up and realize I'd actually slept more than 2 hours! Of course, I also panicked thinking that something was wrong since he'd been quiet for so long!!

The best time to be with Conner is from 8-10am. Conner has what we like to call "Happy Hour" because he smiles, coos, and laughs for about one hour straight. It's so sweet to be around him during this time, and luckily Ben has been home a few of those mornings to experience it, too. I wish we had a video recorder so I could capture those moments, but that's something that we'll have to wait and save money for. For now I'll take all the pictures that I can!

That's all I have to report for now. He's getting big - over 10 pounds now; however, he still looks like a peanut compared to his eleven week old cousin Caleb who is weighing in at fifteen pounds! What a chunker! Caleb actually growls while he's eating. I feel sorry for Cara... I'm sure her breastfeeding experiences are a little more painful than mine! haha! :)


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