Baby Brewster Pictures!
The past two weeks have been interesting...
Ben was unfortunately laid off from work; however, God has definitely blessed us and we know that He is watching out for us and we'll be okay in the long run. For one, we made the difficult decision to sell our home last Halloween, and we had someone look at the house within two weeks and make an offer that we eventually accepted and closed on. We moved into my childhood home on Crane Hill, and my parents are letting us stay there rent free. That has been the biggest blessing of our lives. I know we'd be filing for bankruptcy right now if we hadn't made the decision to sell back in October. My parents have been too good to us!
On the other front, the baby is growing quickly! I am 25 weeks as of today, and I'm still feeling great. Occasionally I get too winded and have to slow down when I exercise, and I've dealt with some indigestion and heartburn, but I've learned by trial and error to eat several times throughout the day and then have a very small and light dinner. It makes me very hungry at night around 9 or 10pm, but I'm sleeping soundly now without having to be propped up on pillows. Ahhh - I love sleeping eight hours straight! I cherish the sleep I get these days. I know my peaceful nights are on the countdown!
Here are some pictures of my belly!
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