First Fall Weekend

This has been a great weekend with nice, crisp fall weather and plenty of sunshine. On Friday I used my day off to go to the Oktoberfest and get food for lunch for mom, Chelsea, and myself. Then, Conner and I loaded up and headed to Columbus to shop for some things at Target for baby Owen. I purchase a Fisher Price Rock and Sleep sling bed, and also a new swing. Conner and I found Sesame Street socks in the dollar bins, so we're stocked up on Elmo, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, and Big Bird (pretty pink!) socks. We also found some coloring books with stickers, and of course we had to purchase a big chocolate chip cookie and Icee to eat during our excursion. That's my favorite part of shopping at Target!

That evening we watched our neighbor's son, Cruze, while his parents went to the Oktoberfest. Conner and Cruze, age 6, had a blast playing in the dirt in the garden until it was pitch dark! Even Cruze's older brother, Colton, came over and enjoyed the boy time. I stayed in the house and let Dada take over those activities. Conner and Cruze played with all of Conner's new John Deere tractors that used to be Ben's as a child, as well as the new tractor I bought him last week. They were shoveling, digging, and moving dirt all night. Later, when they all came in we played classic Nintendo and had a popcorn and Sprite party. All the boys crashed around 9:30.

On Saturday morning I cooked a very large breakfast with sausage, bacon, eggs, and biscuits, then around 10:30 we walked Cruze back home and got ready for a Jeep ride. (Beep ride, as Conner calls it! "Beep Ride - Fun!!" We loaded up around 11, drove around a couple hours, and Conner napped almost the entire time. I think he was still worn out from the good times the night before. Then, we ate McDonald's, took catnaps at home, loaded up again, and headed out to our property. Ben needed to sow some seed and lay rock fragments in a washout. (Rip rap, I think, is what that's called, but I don't know how to spell it.) Conner and I took the tractors, shovel, and rake and worked the land, helped sow the seed, and Conner even threw in some rock for his Dada. We had a great time, but then headed home for pizza with Grandma and Papa. After pizza, Dada decided to go purchase some straw to lay around the seed, so he took Conner, and they returned less then 30 minutes later because Conner was zonked out again! He fell asleep around 6, and then he slept all the way until 6am this morning! Let's hope he's finally all caught up on sleep!

 It's Sunday morning now, and we don't have plans except to go to church and try to get the straw put out. It's supposed to be a nice day again, so I'm looking forward to another fall day with my family!
