Busy Bee

It's been quite a while since I have posted, but I have good reasons: 1) I'm working full-time, 2) I have a baby under one year, 3) I am the head coach of the Brownstown Central track team and we're in the thick of the season, and 4) Ben and I did not have internet at the house until last week.


It's been crazy-busy for me, and I'm handling it just fine; however, I'm really looking forward to June 2nd (our last day of school). I love teaching the kids, but I'm tired of being away from Conner.

I looove coaching. Running is one of my true passions in life, but it's taking away from Conner.

I love the internet, but it takes away from Conner so I limit my usage to very little time in the late evening.

Do you notice a trend? I've always worked several jobs and I love the chaotic schedule it can create, but now my life has changed, and when these jobs that I truly love take away from Conner, then it's time for me to adjust. I want to stay home with Conner full time, but that wasn't an option in the past so I've learned to accept it as it is and move on. I was okay with everything, then track started and I became busier and it's getting more emotional to leave Conner. I only get about three hours a day with him. During spring break I had one full week with him, so when I had to return to work I cried for three days. Poor Ben (again). He's having flashbacks to mid-August when Conner was less than eight weeks old and I had to leave him for the first time.

I know he's okay. He's with Grandma Botkin, and she's an even better "mommy" than I am. She has more experience, and more love, and she's just everything to Conner and especially to me. Conner is in great hands, but they're not MY hands and I feel guilty when I'm gone. I want to be with him. Oh, the emotions you experience being a parent!

There are several, maybe even numerous, changes in the Brewster household. I mentioned above that I'm the Varsity Girls Track Coach. Our first track meet in tomorrow, and I'll be swamped with meets for the next six weeks, then it's sectional on May 18th and a downhill slide from that point forward as the team gets smaller and smaller as we progress towards the state meet.

We also bought a van. It's niiiiiice. It's a slate blue 2007 Toyota Sienna XLE and it's perfect. What a dramatic change from the beat-up 13 year old Camry with 219,000 miles on it! It's so easy to load up Conner and take him places. I used to always stay at home because it was too much of a struggle for me to want to pack him up in the confined space of a car, but now it's a breeze to automatically open the side door and gently place his car seat in the base (at hip-level, mind you) then STILL have plenty of space for the dog, the diaper bag, the husband, etc... lol!

The other big news is that Ben got his old job at Seymour Precision back! Ben will be making more money, plus more vacation time, and more importantly - a lot more happiness and NO MORE TRAVELING! I remember when Ben was gone four out of six weeks during the winter. Ahhh - what a relief knowing that he's home all the time and much happier. The entire household seems lighter and happier now that he's satisfied with work and feels like he's getting paid what he is worth.

Another interesting point that is worth writing about is that Ben and I started a Bible study with just the two of us. We both grew up in church and are firm believers in Jesus Christ, but we both admitted the other day that we don't read our Bibles enough, or pray enough, or give God thanks and praises enough, so we're attempting to change that. We decided that each night, once Conner is put to bed around 8:00 or 8:30 we are going to read in the Bible, then discuss it, and pray. Pretty simple stuff. It's been amazing so far, and we've learned so much. It's funny how you can read a verse, then go back to it two days later and learn an entirely different lesson. Amazing!

Conner News:
He now proudly has six teeth. There are three on top and three on the bottom. The sixth tooth just cut through yesterday/today. This last one was a doozy. Conner had a fever, cold, and cried (more like screamed) a lot. I felt bad for the poor baby, then yesterday I finally learned the importance of Baby Teething Gel. I put that miracle gel on his gums, and the sweet thing just perked right back to life. He ate his supper, drank his milk, and played with his toys, AND he even let go of me for thirty minutes! Poor thing.

He's such a sweet baby. He gives a lot of kisses, he loves to give raspberries, but I must admit that he is a WiLd ChIlD! I don't know what to do with him! He has so much energy. Ben blames it on me because I'm super-hyper and always "busy", but that baby puts me to shame! He makes me tired! haha! I wouldn't change it for the world. I love it!

Conner, Grandma, and Auntie Cara plus Cousin Caleb all went to the zoo for the first time this past Friday. It was Good Friday, so lots of people had the day off. The weather was blissful. The babies behaved perfectly, and they even took a nap at the exact same time in their strollers! It was so cute! That Caleb is so sweet. I learned how to get Caleb to LOVE his Auntie, though.... Dairy Queen ice cream!!! I'll be sure to keep my freezer stocked to keep me on his good side! :)

I have more news to share, but I'm getting tired of typing! Here is a brief bit: I cut six inches off my hair, the garden is freshly tilled and ready for planting, the rhubarb is sprouting, Conner is switched almost exclusively to formula (so I'm no longer pumping), Siler got a mohawk - yes, a mohawk! Conner sleeps his way through the entire night, Conner had his first experience with a real turtle that the dogs found, I'm working on a huge picture book to document Conner's first year of life, and it looks great so far! Let's see... Conner's weight had dipped to the 5th percentile - awww! There is so much to write about, but I'm going to cut it off for tonight.

Alrighty - the NCAA National Champion Basketball game is playing and I want to watch it, so good-night! I'll post more later!
