Fun Weekend

This past weekend Ben and I decided to exchange birthday/anniversary gifts since our 2nd wedding anniversary was a week ago, my birthday is today, and Ben's birthday is two weeks from today. Ben surprised me with an upright KitchenAid mixer! It is so awesome! Of course, I "broke" it in by mixing a Granny Cake, his absolute favorite. He also bought me a large saucepan because I've complained a lot lately about not having one that is big enough to make dinners large enough for entertaining more than 3 or so people. I gave Ben a cast-iron tripod that stands over a campfire. It is used for cooking, and there is an adjustable iron tray that hangs from the top of the stand so you can cook hotdogs, burgers, steaks, etc... Plus, you can hang a dutch oven from the middle in case you want to make some kind of soup or beans. Ben was pretty excited about it. His best buddy, Brian, has one and this past summer Ben made a few comments about wanting his own.

Conner is still as sweet as can be. He is growing way too fast. He is still grunting and lunging while on all fours, but no other progress on that front. His personality continues to shine through. When he gets super excited he breathes very heavily and makes all kinds of cute, funny faces. When I get home from work everyday he gets so tickled he laughs and slaps his hands together. It makes coming home from work so enjoyable!

School is going great. I had two girls give me a present today for my birthday, and it means the world to me (knowing their background). I feel like I'm making a difference for some of the kiddos that I work with. :)

This weekend Ben and I are traveling to Bremen to see Ben's side of the family. It will be fun to have four days off work with Ben and Conner.

Well, that's it for now. I'm signing off to go cut into my birthday cake - made by my mommy. Yumm... :)

Happy 27th Birthday to Me! What a great year this has been. I'm thankful for Ben, Conner, my wonderful parents, my sisters whom I love soooo much, Flara's health, Noel, Caleb, Ryan, Mike, my relatives, my job, Ben's great JOB!!!, our home, my salvation, Jesus, my co-workers (past and present), friends, etc.... this list could go on and on and on...


  1. We love you and are thankful for you, too! It's so neat watching what God is doing in your lives! Love you, Sis =)

  2. Happy belated birthday to you, happy anniversary (really, 2 years? already), and happy birthday to Ben. Love reading your blog, Conner is soooo cute. I'm so glad your flare up resolved itself with your gluten-free diet. Are you still doing gluten free? Take care. I love you guys and miss you.


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